Item Number: 4073798-1
Hunter Hawkeye Elite Aligner
Hunter Hawkeye Elite Aligner Model WA673-CM. Apply Online Now Contact Us Call For Pricing Equip your shop with a powerful wheel alignment machine by Hunter Engineering. Hunter specializes in complete wheel alignment systems and wheel alignment machines for body shops, dealerships, tire dealers and more. Hunter's HawkEye Elite® is one of the most powerful wheel alignment machines on the market today, using four precision cameras to measure the position and orientation of targets mounted to each wheel using Hunter’s patented QuickGrip® adaptors. Premium large cabinet and 24" wide-screen LCD display. Portable sensors. Includes 4 cameras, 3 dimensional targets, QuickGrip wheel adaptors, turnplate bridges. PAID: $18,650.00
Time Left: ended
Sold! Call us today at 2165413345 to learn more about selling your items!
Current Bid: $11250.01 (no reserve)
High Bidder: 46675
MAKE: Hunter
MODEL: Hawkeye Elite
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