LIKE NEW! Body Fitness & Jabz Boxing Equipment Auction
Item Number: 6349154-47
25 lb Throwdown Fitness Kettle Bell
25 lb Throwdown Fitness Kettle Bell. Training with kettlebells allows you to select resistance training exercises based on their similarity to actual movements that occurs during sports. kettlebells require more balance than training with barbells or machines, and balance is crucial for optimal performance. kettlebells also require more muscular control than barbells, thus enhancing kinesthetic awareness. The best part of training with kettlebells is it allows the athlete to train through a greater range of motion than barbells on some exercises. Understand that it is sometimes more valuable to trade heavy weights (Barbells) for more sport-specific movements. Powder-coated, balanced, single-piece casting, Flat wobble-free base. Paid: $50.60..
Time Left: ended
Sold! Call us today at 4303022276 to learn more about selling your items!
Current Bid: $36.00 (no reserve)
High Bidder: 80704
MAKE: Throwdown
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